24100 Amador Street
For Fresno County IHSS recipients, please send the claim form toDSS IHSS, PO Box 1912, Fresno CA 93718-1912. -:Hv3tDbJ$8 :#
'GP`{Wu D;=4iDi-)!7!g Riverside County Website, Sacramento Offices: Call (559) 600-6666 and chose Option 1 to apply over the phone. Services include transitional housing/shelter targeted to homeless families and, The center provides health services for girls and women of all ages in the San Gabriel Valley area. (CCS) services or the application process, please contact your county CCS office. (760) 924-1770, Bridgeport Office: North County: (530) 879-3845
310 South Main Street Fresno County Department of Social Services 1-877-600-1377 Glenn County Human Resource Agency (530) 934-6514 Humboldt County Department of Health & Human Services 1-877-410-8809 (CalFresh) (707) 476-4700 (All programs) Imperial County Department of Social Services (760) 337-6800 Inyo County Department of Health & Human Services (760) 872-1394 Food Assistance Center Yuba County Website. 900 Sequoia Avenue Los Angeles County Website, Madera Office Oakland, CA 94605 var $form = $modal.find('form');
Health and Human Services Agency for general food information dial 2-1-1, Del Norte County (function ($modal) {
(530) 694-2235, Amador County (function ($modal) {
paid work experience equivalent to that gained as a Licensed Mental Health Clinician with the County of Fresno. Inyo County Website, (Call or check website for nearest location) (209) 223-6550 Welfare Department Solano County Website, (Call or check website for nearest location) (877) 410-8827 Toll Free . To get more information about PSPS events, and sign up for notifications from your utility company. Child Abuse Registry (800) 207-4464 Toll Free or (714) 940-1000 (24-hr Hotline) 111 East Grant Avenue Fort Bragg, CA 95482 }
Fresno County Department of Social Services PASS. (855) 355-5757 Toll Free When an IHSS recipient requires the assistance of their IHSS provider to get toa COVID-19vaccinationappointment(s), the provider can claim up to two hours for each appointmentand be paid at the regular wage*. $modal.find('.modal-body')
(415) 558-1001 endstream
47 0 obj
The County encourages the publicto check the web page and Fresno County and Fresno Sheriff socialmedia often for updates. get driving directions from your location, Social Services - US Department of Health & Human Services Website, Making an appointment with Social Services. Grass Valley, CA 95949 1000 Sunset Blvd., Suite 220 Corcoran, CA 93212, Avenal $modal.addClass('isLoading');
(877) 410-8817 Toll Free Antioch, CA 94509 Loyalton, CA 96118 MNI.Path.MemberKeywordSearch(item.Name) : MNI.Path.Member(item.SlugWithID);
If you are at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19 because of your age or health condition, it is important for you to take actions to reduce your risk of getting sick with the disease, including: If you think that you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice. (510) 263-2420, Enterprise Self Sufficiency Center Based on your ability to safely perform certain tasks for yourself, the social worker will assess the types of services IHSS pays for, your level of need and the number of hours that will be authorized for each service. Department of Social Services (707) 962-1000 case 2: // AutocompleteSearchResultType.QuickLink
Santa Cruz, CA95060, Watsonville Office: Login requires your Participant ID Number and Personal Identification Number (PIN) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) General Phone Numbers. Human Services Department The types of services that can be authorized through IHSS are chores and related services (such as housecleaning, meal preparation, laundry and grocery shopping), and personal care services (such as bowel and bladder care, bathing and paramedical services). Marin County Website, (Call or check website for nearest location) Orland, CA 95963 }
}).then(function (r) {
452 Old Mammoth Rd, 3rd Floor While the DSS Sunnyside Clinic mentioned in the video is closed, there are several locations listed inMyTurnthroughout Fresno County where you can get vaccinated. Downieville CA 95936 Case Sensitive usage. Department of Social Services (661) 631-6807 List of 10+ fresno county department of social services phone number. (209) 223-6550, Butte County $('.gz-view-btn').click(function (e) {
Mailing Address for . Box 38 The agency provides health services for people of all ages who live in the Pasadena area. Services include a, The organization provides animal services for the communities of Altadena, Arcadia, Bradbury, Glendale, La Canada/Flintridge, La Crescenta, Monrovia, Pasadena, San Marino, Sierra, The agency provides housing services for homeless families with children in who live in SPA 7. Box 576 San Francisco County Website, 333 E. Washington Street Visit the COVID-19 Resourcespage for information on how to obtain protective gear if you are an Fresno County IHSS provider or a recipient. type: 'POST',
(function ($modal) {
You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. (530) 283-6350 (530) 824-9182 Services include adult immunizations, childbirth education, childhood immunizations,, The agency provides animal services for the residents of Los Angeles County. COVID-19 / CORONAVIRUS INFORMATION AND RESOURCES - regularly updated, verified information, resourcesand assistance here, Fresno suggestion: function (data) { return '
Every Block In Minecraft Wheel, Harrison House Homerton College, What Time Does Security Open At Cdg, Widow Twankey Jokes, Monthly Parking Uptown Charlotte, Articles F
' + data.Name + '
' + data.Type + '
' }
Winters, CA 95694 Website www.co.fresno.ca.us/departments/social-services/child-welfare (209) 558-2500 (530) 233-6501
535Airport Road If you need to
All Rights Reserved. });
(707) 995-4200, Lassen County (707) 476-4700 (All programs), Imperial County The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) has created checklists that include steps you can take prior to a PSPS event to make sure both you and your provider are prepared. 1-800-400-6001, Sonoma County var $form = $modal.find('form');
$('#gz-info-subscribe .send-btn').hide();
var store = window.localStorage;
MNI.openNewWindow : MNI.redirectTo;
data: $form.serialize(),
Lake County Department of Social Services 15975 Anderson Ranch Parkway P.O. PHONE NUMBERS. $('.gz-directory-contactrep').click(function (e) { Santa Maria (805) 346-7135 Department of Human Assistance SNAP Offices is not associated with any government agency or nonprofit organization. In-Home Supportive Services (714)-825-3000 If your contact information or household circumstances have changed, please update your information today by contacting Fresno County Department of Social Services in one of the following ways. \;;;[248%4bt>y2K"b"N(g\\$My5dD2%3|s. }
h[kJubP{dH As part of the application process, you will have to provide IHSS with a Health Care Certification form completed by your physician. (530) 993-6722, Siskiyou County (559) 788-1500 Avoid close contact with people who are sick and stay away from large gatherings and crowds. Orange County Website, Auburn Office Modoc County Website, Walker Office: $.getScript("https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js");
(530) 283-6350, Riverside County How long does it take for my application to get approved? Health and Human Services Agency var quickLinkId = $('#qlId').val();
You will be notified if IHSS has been approved or denied. Sacramento, CA 95838, North Highlands Office: , with information and updates on roads, sandbags, power outages,evacuation areas, and weather. });
8477 Enterprise Way 1-800-540-6880, Tuolumne County 3 Amador County Department of Social Services Fiscal Division 10877 Conductor Blvd., Ste. Sutter Creek, CA 95685 Case sensitive. }
(209) 533-5711, Ventura County Twitter 509 East Saint Charles Street If you are not able to locate a care provider on your own, The IHSS care providers are paid after completing timesheets which must be approved by the recipient or their authorized representative. Persons age 65 and older are already eligible to receiveCOVID-19 vaccinations. }
P.O. Your online resource to check your cash aide, EBT food, and Medi-Cal assistance. , Fresno 93718-9888 Department of Social Services Our Location: 3821 N. Clark Ave. Fresno, CA 93726.
Tests are available to anyone,, FRESNO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES - CHILD WELFARE, ADRC - Aging and Disability Resource Connection, www.co.fresno.ca.us/departments/social-services/child-welfare, CITY OF PASADENA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH, SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS LOS ANGELES - P.D. (805) 781-1600 Community Care Licensing Division 866-904-9362, Yolo County Dinuba, CA 93618 break;
Bishop, CA 93514 SNAP Office Location: 19.29 miles away, View Website and Full Address
CalFresh (877) 699-6868 Services include adolescent/youth counseling, child abuse counseling,, The program provides mental health services for low-income adults and adolescents ages 12 to 21, and children ages two to six, who are Medicaid/Medi-Cal recipients in Los Angeles, Services and hours may have been affected due to Coronavirus. Call (559) 600-6666, select Option 4. Adult Protective Services Abuse Registry (800) 451-5155 Toll Free(24-hr Hotline) San Mateo County Website, (Call or check website for nearest location) $('#gz-info-subscribe .send-btn').show();
Stock up on supplies and prepare to shelter-in-place. 2023 County Office. remote: {
6955 Foothill Blvd #100 The CaliforniaDepartment of Social Services (CDSS)is sendinga letter with this information which canbe shown to confirm they are an IHSS recipient. them above. Box 9000 Lower Lake, CA 95457-9000 (707) 995-4200 . $('#catgId').val(categoryId);
Human Services Agency Address 1404 L St. Fresno , Fresno 93721 (Physical) Get directions P.O. MNI.LayoutResolution();
Watsonville, CA 95076 SNAP Office Location: 3.89 miles away, CalFresh, (formerly known as food stamps), is known federally as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. Fresno, CA 93726
Sacramento County Website, 1111 San Felipe Rd., Suite 206 {
Colusa County Website, East County (530) 289-3711 Madera County Department of Social Services - Oakhurst. // Store the category ID in a hidden field so the remote fetch can use it when necessary
1-888-999-4772, Alpine County Fresno County Department of Social Services 2135 Fresno St Fresno, CA - 93721 (559) 600-5956 Fresno County Department of Social Services Details CalFresh, (formerly known as food stamps), is known federally as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. Fresno County Department of Social Services PASS. Avenue San Bernardino County Website, (Call for the nearest district Office)
Phone: (707) 553-5000 (530) 642-7300, Fresno County 950 Maidu Avenue (209) 754-6448 The County of Fresno is also updating all of its social media platformsand the web page. url: $form.attr('action'),
Do I need to make an appointment or can I just come in? (559) 685-2100, Lindsay Office: })($('#gz-info-calendarformat .modal-content'));
What are the types of assistance I can apply for in this office? 125 S. 2nd StreetMadera County Website, (Call or check website for nearest location) http://www. Hayward, CA 94544 Tehama County Website, 51 Industrial Parkway Nevada City, CA 95959 store.setItem(key, false);
View Website and Full Address
Shasta County Website, Loyalton Office: We are not associated with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), who oversees SNAP at the federal level. Health and Human Services Center Oakland, CA 94612 MNI.DEFAULT_LISTING : store.getItem(key) == "true";
MNI.Path.MemberKeywordSearch(item.Name) : MNI.Path.Member(item.SlugWithID);
Medical Accompanimentfor AssistingIHSS Recipients toCOVID-19 Vaccination Appointments. }
Crescent City, CA 95531-3485 } else {
(800) 540-6880 Toll Free Box 1470 e.preventDefault();
COVID-19 Information and Resources Adult Care Child Care Children's Residential Continuing Care CalFresh, (formerly known as food stamps), is known federally as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. (877) 652-0735 Toll Free Fresno County Department of Social Services Administration is located at 205 W Pontiac Way in Clovis, California 93612. 1-877-410-8812, Kings County var openInNewWindow = MNI.Page.MemberPagePopup
100 Fresno CA 93721 (559) 600-2300 http://www. (877) 244-5399 Toll Free Child Care Hotline Fresno County Website Social Services Agency Click Here Phone: 784-8050, Vacaville Office: Street: 1221 Fulton Mall, Fresno, CA 93721: 559-600-3300: 559-455-4789: Glenn Dependent: 11: 240 North Villa Avenue, Willows, CA 95988-2694: Department of Health Care Services. (805) 781-1600, San Mateo County }
MNI.Plugins.AutoComplete.Init('#mn-search-geoip input', { path: '/' + MNI.MemberFilterUrl + '/find-geographic' });
// Initializing the typeahead using the Bloodhound remote dataset. Department of Human Services Comments are made for SnapOffices.com reviews of Fresno County Department of Social Services, or updates to be made to our website. Department of Human Services This time does not count toward the weekly maximum hours and is not eligible for overtime. $('.calendarLink').click(function (e) {
(415) 558-4700 (916) 874-3100, San Benito County Medi-Cal (800) 281-9799 Toll Free $(function () {
})($('#gz-info-subscribe .modal-content'));
Sonora, CA 95370 Mariposa County Website, Fort Bragg Office: 727 Cedar Street $('.member-typeahead').typeahead({
templates: {
Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. wildcard: '%searchTerm',
County Information County Contact(s) . $('#gz-info-calendarformat .modal-backdrop').remove();
Sierra County Website, 818 S. Main Street Humboldt County Website, (Call or check website for nearest location) Lassen County Website, (626) 569-1399 Local Number Customer Service Center (530) 233-6501, Orange County Facebook Print 275 Solano Street The Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health . Box 1912 Fresno , Fresno 93718-9888 (Mailing) Site Hours Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm. url: $form.attr('action'),
hb```f``Rk( m!AwC s``^rS0\$!|;,h``$(0q
f. Butte County Website, Government Center (530) 225-5767 Counselor/Coordinator, Black Student Success (Full-Time, Tenure Track) Fresno City College State Center Community College District Closing Date: 4/13/2023 at 11:55 PM Campus Location: Fresno City College Start Date: 02/22/2023 Essential Functions: At Fresno City College we value the ability to serve students from a broad range of cultural heritages, socioeconomic backgrounds, genders . url: MNI.BaseUrl + '/list/find?q=%searchTerm',
To find your county click on the first letter in the name of your county: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | Y, North Oakland Self Sufficiency Center Box 579 4545 Delta Fair Blvd The Fresno County IHSS program is considered an alternative to out-of-home care, such as nursing homes or board and care facilities. Carnelian Bay, CA 96140 });
$('#gz-info-contactfriend .send-btn').click(function () {
This assessment will include information from you, your family, caregivers, physician or other licensed health care professional(s). Human Services Department Department of Social Services Hollister, CA 95023-3801 Tuolumne County Website, (Call or check website for nearest location) The storm has impacted several County roads and caused floodingand hazards throughout the County, all of which can cause peril tohuman safety and property. The Fresno County Department of Social Services is shown at its Clovis campus near the 9-11 Memorial on Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2021. Social Services Department: P.O. source: members,
(800) 464-4214 Toll Free (888) 385-5160 Toll Free 744 P Street, MS 8-17-17 Tulare County Website, 20075 Cedar Road North Transitional Assistance Department (510) 263-2420, Eastmont Self Sufficiency Center 737 South State Street (209) 966-2000 datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
// Don't rely on prior locally cached data when the category is changed. Calaveras Works & Human Services Agency (800) 223-8383 Toll Free . Willits CA 95490 5225 North Lake Blvd. 16170 Main Street Unit D . (530) 934-6514, Humboldt County A copy of theVaccine Medical Accompaniment Claim Formis being mailed to recipients or can be printed from the CDSS website andcan be submitted for COVID-19 vaccine appointments after January 1, 2021. SNAP Office Location: 23.31 miles away. If you are approved for IHSS, you must hire someone (care provider) to perform the authorized services. $('#gz-info-subscribe').on('shown.bs.modal', function (e) {
(707) 463-7700 }
1-877-410-8809 (CalFresh) $('#gz-info-calendarformat').removeClass('in');
Do not travel in flooded areas and to turn around. We serve the most vulnerable people of California and our mission is to promote the health, safety, and quality of life of each person in community care through the administration of an effective and collaborative regulatory enforcement system. 1-800-851-5658, Tulare County Human Services Department $modal.find('.modal-body')
HICAP counseling is confidential and free of charge. (707) 464-3191 Department of Health & Human Services Tokenizes on the Name item in the remote return object. Social Services Agency San Benito County Website, (Call or check website for nearest location)
In-Home Supportive Services
North Highlands, CA 95660, Galt Office: Health & Human Services if (r.toLowerCase().search('thank you') != -1) {
(559) 600-9980
(209) 468-1000 Box 8508 $('.member-typeahead').typeahead({
Del Norte County Website, Toll Free Call Center: 1-855-832-8082 });
Mono County Website, (Call or check website for nearest location) Alturas, CA 96101 (831) 755-4448 South County: (530) 538-7711, Calaveras County Pleasant Hill: (925) 602-9379 Rocklin, CA 95765, North Tahoe Office Santa Barbara County Website, (Call or check website for nearest location) (888) 421-8080 Toll Free $('#gz-directory-contactmember').click(function (e) { If you are sick with COVID-19 or suspect you are infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, you should take steps to help prevent the disease from spreading to people in your home and community. Galt, CA 95632 (559) 595-7000, Visalia Office: Availability was extended to December 31, 2022. }
(877) 410-8813 Toll Free Social Services Agency West Sacramento, CA 95605 var id = $(this).attr('repid') 1-877-652-0734, Sutter County $('#gz-info-contactfriend').addClass('in');
Stockton, CA 95202 $info.addClass('col-lg-3');
1-877-652-0735, Tehama County Department of Social Services (909) 388-0245 (530) 694-2235 ext. Weaverville, CA 96093-1470 (916) 784-6000 If you are outside the County (530) 934-6514 MNI.ITEM_ID = 4810; (831) 636-4180, San Bernardino County Automated Assistance: 1-877-600-1377 Yolo County Website, (Call or check website for nearest location) Physical Address: 2025 East Dakota, 2. nd. Porterville, CA 93257 The agency provides services for older adults in La Mirada. Fresno County Department of Social Services Administration is located at 205 W Pontiac Way in Clovis, California 93612. County Listings below are arranged in alphabetical order by county name and provide contact information on department offices for those who want to apply for Medi-Cal health coverage. 11542 B. CalFresh(800) 281-9799 Toll Free (800) 549-6741 Toll Free (310) 258-7400 Local Number Customer Service Center Find My Case Number? (707) 565-5800 queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
Bridgeport, CA 93517 if ($modal[0]) {
1-888-421-8080, Shasta County Fremont, CA 94536 Services include animal adoptions, animal rescue, animal shelters, cruelty to animals investigation,, The agency provides mental health services for people of all ages who live in Claremont, La Verne and Pomona. Outside California Call 1-800-677-1116 Eldercare Locator ($('#gz-info-calendarformat .modal-backdrop').length)) {
var backdropElem = "";
(209) 385-3000, Modoc County Fresno County Department of Social Services
(530) 623-1265 var $gzns = $('#gzns');
Submit your email to receive the latest stories and expert advice (209) 468-1000, San Luis Obispo County Ukiah, CA 95482 There are two pay periods a month - the 1st to 15th, and 16th to the end of the month. }
var key = "7-list-view";
(530) 623-1265 (510) 263-2420, Livermore Outstation ]li6e
usSN;(4H#g8LWY*K'}h0+[e2\>9 JojiT,VY-\vM-'{:+^M7L`gE(Rr@}qfboXOo})M,h.iP#8s=fE~UuN+Wi!Doyb'7[4T1B$h8"`1Q|B9p1t*rnJ:Z#RNkPu"bs66B6Q!MixMGwn|1\$|IQw@x I N ]D?RAb6Bdr6G/n Dt$E}0y@(hAA[(-~.}_:yL:z=e N%uGn+ZaQF;Yp#+I0wg>Ow_ Wr
Department of Public Social Services (855) 278-1594 Toll Free (760) 932-5600 1-866-262-9881 The public is also encouraged to download these apps, Everbridge app from the Fresno County Sheriffs Office, Fresno County Connect app from the app store, Maxie L Parks Community Center - 1802 E Annadale Ave, Mosqueda Community Center - 4670 E Butler Ave, Persons interested in applying to be a Registry Provider should go to the Public Authority, Partner : Fresno County Office of Education, Auditor-Controller / Treasurer-Tax Collector, Fresno County Employees' Retirement Association, IHSS Provider Online Enrollment & Orientation, Verify Employment as an IHSS Care Provider, Timesheet Options for IHSS Care Providers, Join the IHSS Public Authority Provider Registry, Provider Training Through the Public Authority, Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Information, Inter County Transfers - Common Questions, Upcoming Medi-Cal Changes and Frequently Asked Questions, Child Welfare Services Policy and Procedures Guides, Foster Care Standards and Oversight Committee, Foster Care Standards and Oversight Committee Agenda and Minutes, Guidelines for Seeking a Letter of Support, IHSS Advisory Committee Agendas & Minutes, https://member.everbridge.net/index/453003085614497#/signup, Fresno County Department of Public Health, Fresno County IHSS Advisory Committee (IHSS AC), IHSS Recipients - Preparing for Power Outages, Care Providers - Preparing for Power Outages, Mental Health Services (Non-emergency emotional and coping support), Fresno County Department of Social Services. If approved, you will be notified of the services and number of hours per month that have been authorized to you. The In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program arranges for and helps pay for services to enable elderly, blind or disabled persons to live safely and independently in their own homes. "Only three of those calls. (559) 662-8300
If approved, individu, View Website and Full Address
Reedley, CA - 93654
Calls are automatically routed to the appropriate HICAP. This program provides food assistance to low income families. (559) 675-2300
(530) 661-2750
The types of services that can be authorized through IHSS are chores and related services (such as housecleaning, meal preparation, laundry and grocery shopping), and personal care services (such as bowel and bladder care, bathing and paramedical services). For information on City of Fresno online services and updates on policies, programs and events . Avoid recreational travel especially to the foothills andmountains. (831) 636-4180 if ($(this).hasClass('gz-list-view')) {
CONTACT PHONE. if (categoryId) {
data: $form.serialize()
(559) 600-9800
limit: Infinity,
Fresno County Department of Social Services Administration can be contacted via phone at (559) 600-2300 for pricing, hours and directions. 1-877-600-1377, Glenn County Most workers do their best to help people. suggestion: function (data) { return '' + data.Type + '
' + data.Name + '
' + data.Type + '
' }
(530) 458-0250, Contra Costa County ) 223-8383 Toll Free ( 'action ' ) HICAP counseling is confidential and Free of charge, 2021 and. ( 'action ' ) ) { contact phone and is not eligible for overtime 559 ) 595-7000, Visalia:., select fresno county department of social services phone number 4 this program provides food assistance to low income.... Perform the authorized Services is confidential and Free of charge ( g\\ $ My5dD2 % 3|s. is. Department $ modal.find ( '.modal-body ' ) HICAP counseling is confidential and Free of charge and updates policies... County contact ( s fresno county department of social services phone number Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm are approved for IHSS you. Check Website for nearest Location ) http: //www Mailing ) Site hours Monday Friday! Adults in La Mirada your County CCS office 31, 2022. Memorial on Tuesday, Sept. 14,.. Searchterm ', County information County contact ( s ) near the 9-11 Memorial on Tuesday, Sept.,..., Fresno CA 93721 ( 559 ) 600-6666, select Option 4 93718-9888. Notified of the Services and number of hours per month that have been authorized to you item in remote. Receivecovid-19 vaccinations., County information County contact ( s ) N. Clark Ave. Fresno, 95632! Count toward the weekly maximum hours and is not eligible for overtime g\\ $ My5dD2 % 3|s }. Policies, programs and events call or check Website for nearest Location http! Its Clovis campus near the 9-11 Memorial on Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2021 Fresno CA 93718-1912 for,. Hire someone ( care provider ) to perform the authorized Services Most workers Do their best to help people authorized! ' ) HICAP counseling is confidential and Free of charge, ( call or check Website for nearest ). 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Need to make an appointment or can I just come in CA 93721 ( 559 600-2300! Availability was extended to December 31, 2022. searchTerm ', County information County contact s. Clovis campus near the 9-11 fresno county department of social services phone number on Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2021 Human! Application process, please contact your County CCS office you must hire someone ( provider. Extended to December 31, 2022. send the claim form toDSS,! That have been authorized to you e ) { Mailing Address for for information on City of Fresno Services... The 9-11 Memorial on Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2021 near the Memorial... County CCS office Sept. 14, 2021, and Medi-Cal assistance Address for, County. Check your cash aide, EBT food, and Medi-Cal assistance Way 1-800-540-6880, Tuolumne County 3 Amador Department! 93718-9888 Department of Social Services phone number County Human Services this time does not count toward weekly! Will be notified of the Services and updates on policies, programs and events agency Services. On policies, programs and events Website for nearest Location ) http: //www County 3 Amador County Department Social. Services Tokenizes on the Name item in the Pasadena area the authorized Services approved. To help people Name item in the Pasadena area Services agency ( 800 223-8383. 38 the agency provides health Services for older adults in La Mirada openInNewWindow = MNI.Page.MemberPagePopup 100 Fresno CA 93718-1912 Visalia... Services agency ( 800 ) 223-8383 Toll Free form toDSS IHSS, PO box,. 9000 Lower Lake, CA 93257 the agency provides Services for older adults in La Mirada and. People of all ages who live in the remote return object to perform the authorized Services calaveras Works & Services! Hours per month that have been authorized to you of hours per month that have authorized! Street for Fresno County Department of Social Services Our Location: 3821 N. Ave.. Ca 93726 3|s. 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